Hollis/Brookline Middle School (HBMS), formerly known as Hollis/Brookline Junior High School until 2001, is a public two-year middle school covering grades seven and eight located in Hollis, New Hampshire, serving both Hollis and Brookline, New Hampshire. It is administered by New Hampshire School Administration Unit (SAU) 41, which encompasses both towns.
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Hollis/Brookline Middle School was known as Hollis/Brookline Junior High School until 2001. Until the creation of the new Hollis/Brookline High School in 1997, the middle school building served as the high school for both towns, with grades seven and eight occupying the current Hollis Upper Elementary School. On the middle school's property is the historic Farley Building, the original school in Hollis built in 1877, which was used for classes until 2006.
HBMS has a full-time principal responsible to the superintendent of the Hollis-Brookline Cooperative School District. The principal is supported by a full-time assistant principal and various administrative staff.
In 1999, the school reorganized into four teams, two each for seventh and eighth grades. Each team is named after a historical figure, with the exception of Team Jordan (seventh grade) which memorializes Jordan Coffey, a former student who died from a brain tumor in 2005. Team McAuliffe (also seventh grade) remembers Christa McAuliffe, the Concord school teacher who died in the Challenger accident. Team Prescott (eighth grade) honors William Prescott, an American colonel in the Revolutionary War, and Team Hypatia (also eighth grade) recognizes the contributions of the ancient Greek scholar Hypatia.
Each team comprises teachers of English, Life Science (seventh grade) or Earth Science (eighth grade), Mathematics, and Social Studies. Specialist teachers, including Art, Health, Middle School 101 (seventh grade), Highschool 101 (eighth grade), Shop,and Foreign Languages (French or Spanish) or Reading teach all four teams.
The school's sports teams include: